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What N95 Masks are Made in USA

three niosh n95 masks laying on table

NIOSH (National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health) is a federal agency in the United States which carries out research and provides recommendations for preventing injuries and illness. A NIOSH N95 mask is an N95 mask that has been certified by NIOSH as an approved respirator to filter out at least 95% of particles in the air, including bacteria and viruses. 

Authentic N95s

Protectly carries a range of 100% authentic NIOSH N95 masks, including USA-made N95 masks and imported N95 masks from overseas manufactured by USA-based companies such as 3M, Medline, and others. Regardless of the country they originate from, all of Protectly's N95 masks for sale are NIOSH certified, with the exception of 3PE N95 - which is currently NIOSH Pending. While NIOSH is a USA standard for N95 respirators, masks imported from overseas manufacturers can still be NIOSH certified if they are of sufficient quality to filter out 95% of airborne particles.

USA Made N95s

Some USA manufacturers producing NIOSH-certified authentic N95 masks sold through Protectly are 3PE, Moldex, 3M, and Gerson. Each of these manufacturers is based in the USA and produces 100% guaranteed authentic N95 masks that are made in the USA. 

3PE is an FDA-registered manufacturer based in California, USA, and focuses on producing high-grade N95 masks for both public health and personal use. The N95 masks made by 3PE are NIOSH-Pending and expected to have NIOSH Certification completed sometime in November 2020. 3PE N95 has an adjustable headband design, high particle and fluid resistance with five layers of protection, and is FDA-approved for use by the general public. Following their NIOSH Approval, they will be allowed to use it in industrial and medical settings.

Moldex N95

Moldex N95 masks are made in the USA. They have a patented "AirWave" design that contributes to better breathability and a "Dura-Mesh" shell that resists humidity and heat to increase the mask's durability. Moldex N95 masks are authentic, and NIOSH certified. Moldex NIOSH N95 masks have a 100% authenticity guarantee by Protectly. Moldex N95 masks are approved for medical and non-medical use under the FDA Emergency Use Authorization.

3M N95s

Even 3M make their NIOSH N95 masks overseas in countries like Indonesia, South Korea, China, and Mexico. Protectly focuses on providing its customers with 100% guaranteed authentic, NIOSH-certified N95 masks, with a significant focus on carrying a large variety of USA Made N95 masks. However, there are differences between the different manufacturers and origins of the masks sold through Protectly.

3M is a USA-based manufacturer that produces 100% authentic NIOSH N95 masks. These masks come without a valve, and some include a valve that reduces the heat that builds up inside the mask. They are easily adjustable and durable. All 3M N95 masks available through Protectly are NIOSH-approved for a minimum of 95% filtration efficiency, and they have guaranteed 100% authenticity. In addition, 3M N95 masks are approved for medical and non-medical use under the FDA Emergency Use Authorization.

Gerson N95s 

Gerson is another USA-based manufacturer of NIOSH-certified N95 masks. Gerson's N95 masks have very high droplet and fluid resistance and collapse-resistant construction. In addition, they have a contoured nose clip to increase comfort and reduce fogging. Each NIOSH-certified Gerson N95 mask has guaranteed 100% authenticity. They also have a state-of-the-art filtration media that enhances filtration and provides comfortable breathing. Gerson N95 masks are approved for medical and non-medical use under the FDA Emergency Use Authorization.

Protectly also sells authentic NIOSH N95 masks from overseas manufacturers, including Makrite, Medline, and SAS Safety. Some manufacturers have headquarters in the USA, while others are based overseas and produce strictly to NIOSH standards overseas.

Medline N95s

Medline is a USA-based manufacturer that manufactures their NIOSH N95 masks worldwide in FDA-Registered and Approved facilities, which can be purchased through Protectly. Medline N95 masks are NIOSH certified for a minimum of 95% filtration of particles, including a micro-filter that protects against smaller micron particles. Medline NIOSH-certified N95 masks have a 100% authenticity guarantee. Medline N95 masks are FDA approved for both civilian and medical use under the FDA Emergency Use Authorization.


SAS Safety is another USA-based manufacturer of a variety of personal protective equipment. Their imported N95 masks are NIOSH certified, as well as being 100% guaranteed authentic and having very high fluid and particle resistance. SAS Safety N95 masks are approved for medical and non-medical settings under the FDA Emergency Use Authorization.

All NIOSH-certified N95 masks available through Protectly are free of latex, dyes, toxins, and fiberglass. Regardless of their country of origin, if you buy an N95 mask through Protectly, you can guarantee that it is 100% guaranteed authentic and NIOSH-certified. 

Take a look at our large selection of N95 masks here.