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Are N95 masks still in short supply?

where to buy 3m n95 mask online

With the second wave of pandemic arriving, a common concern everyone has is are the n95 masks still in short supply? One of the most popular high-quality products that we sell at is the N95 respirator mask. You may be confused as to what the “N95” stands for, but it is actually very simple. The “N” means that the mask is a type of respirator that is not oil-resistant, while the 95 means that the mask is capable of filtering out at least 95% of airborne particles. Or, in other words, the amount of particles that make it inside the mask is 95% lower (or more!) than the amount of particles in the outside environment.

Because of this 95% filtration status, N95 masks can provide much more protection against inhaled particles than a typical surgical mask would. As well as this, some variations of the N95 mask have a valve installed which makes breathing easier, and projects unfiltered air upon exhalation. For these reasons, the US Department of Labor advises that wearing N95 masks can protect scientific, medical personnel and public against infection by airborne microbes such as the influenza virus and tuberculosis bacteria. It is therefore no surprise that N95 masks have played an enormous role in safety against COVID-19.

Coronavirus has had a huge impact on the world. Travel is shut down, events are cancelled, and millions are studying or working from home. Like any event causing mass panic, the pandemic has led to panic buying, including of PPE equipment such as N95 masks.

You might be wondering: should everybody be wearing an N95 mask in today’s world to protect ourselves against COVID-19? Do you need to buy one? The answer is…yes. Whether you are our in the civilian world in public or If you are a healthcare worker who is likely to be seeing patients who may have COVID-19, wearing an N95 mask is endorsed to filter out viral particles due to the high viral load exposure. 

Some of the important American companies who play a role in providing N95 masks to distributors/retailers such as Protectly include 3M, Moldex, Medline, Innonix, Honeywell, Makrite, and Kimberly-Clark Corporation.

3M produces a range of masks, including surgical masks, face shields, and N95 masks. These masks are used by a variety of industries including healthcare and worker safety in hazardous environments. In the next year, 3M is planning on increasing their monthly production to produce at least two billion N95 masks and meet the demands of the coronavirus pandemic. 3M is also working with the Trump administration for the importation of further respirator masks from manufacturing facilities in Asian countries. Importation has already begun and is expecting to continue in the months to come. 3M USA domestic N95 mask production has drastically increased this year but still not fully caught up to demand. The demand is expected to continue through 2021 and possibly longer.

Honeywell is a leading producer of PPE for a variety of uses, including protection from hazardous workplaces such as welding, protection against airborne viruses and bacteria, and protection against harmful chemicals and gases. As well as N95 masks both with valves and without valves, from their headquarters in Santa Ana, CA, Honeywell produces reusable respirators, cartridges, and filters.

The Kimberly-Clark Corporation is another American company which produces protection and hygiene products for a variety of uses. The range of products produced by the Kimberly-Clark Corporation is very wide, from diapers and incontinence care, to tissues and paper towels, and, of course, surgical gowns and disposable face masks such as surgical masks and N95 masks

Another leading American producer of N95 respirators is Moldex, which also produces a range of medical protection goggles and reusable respirators. Moldex has been at the frontlines of innovation in the reusable and disposable respirator mask category, providing extraordinary patented masks for maximum respiratory protection.

Medline is another of the world’s largest N95 respirator suppliers, as well as one of the largest suppliers of other clinically used PPE. Medline is involved in the development, marketing, and manufacturing/production of PPE for markets such as the industrial market, medical market, and pharmaceutical market.

Amidst these top producers of N95 masks, a new manufacturer of these respirators is due to open this month in Pennsylvania. Dräger is set to begin production of masks in September of 2020, which will include providing an estimate of 50 jobs for the community. Dräger’s facility will produce N95 masks to fulfil its contract to the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services to provide sufficient masks to battle the coronavirus pandemic.

We must give our thanks to Pacific PPE Corp, headquartered in California, which started its 3PE N95 mask production in California at the beginning of the pandemic in March of 2020 to help meet the new demand. 3PE N95 Mask has been our top seller for many months and is a terrific product, well liked by many of our customers. Proudly designed and Made in USA.

Naturally, the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic has led to challenges in sourcing the required amounts of PPE to keep communities and individuals safe, including N95 masks. There are supply issues in many different states, especially those such as Washington state which is an epicenter of the pandemic. This is one thing that Protectly aims to help combat, by linking individuals or groups who are in need of PPE with a range of PPE from several different manufacturers, increasing availability. Our customers never have to worry about authenticity of the products because we provide a 100% guarantee on all of our product lines to be authentic and legitimate. 

Whether it is a pharmacy, an urgent care medical centre, or a large hospital, so many businesses and organizations are ordering N95 masks from leading manufacturers. There are many distributors for N95 masks worldwide, and we believe that by linking them together and providing a way for communities and individuals to access the gear they need at reasonable prices, we can get through the pandemic together. As a result, we have been forging strong partnerships between our trusted suppliers and valued customers throughout USA. Thank you for your trust in us!